Friday, October 31, 2008

Buddy's Auto Service

I am sure that most of you know that Buddy sold his business last year.  I was up there last week and we were trying to remember when he bought it.  He thinks it was in 1961 or 1962, almost 50 years of doing business on the same place is quite an accomplishment.  Over the years there were many changes.  It was first a Mobil station and then a Texaco and then he stopped selling gas and just repaired autos and trucks.


Buddy gave me this picture of one of the older days, probably in the 70s but not sure of the exact year.

Buddy's Auto (Small)

Today the station is closed and is being used as a parking lot for the employees of the cafe next door.  Today the front looks like this:

front (Small)

This sign is still there and the telephone number is the same from almost 50 years ago.

sign (Small)

Buddy's key still worked so we went inside and recalled some memories from long ago.  Some of you might not know but I worked for Buddy on and off for many of those years.  I would go up during the summer while in High School and then I would go up on weekends when I was stationed in Austin and then I worked for him when I came back to Texas from VA.

1st stall (Small)

2nd stall (Small)

workbench (Small)

Micki and Robb put it the best:

Go fishing (Small)

The end of an era.  Soon the building will be gone but the memories will remain.  They are in the book!

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