Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Grandma Beene’s Family

Pg174 (Small)

Pg175 (Small)

This is a picture that Margaret found today in some of Mom’s stuff.  This is what was written on the back of the photo so I hope it is correct.  It seems strange looking at this photo, relatives that I don’t recall ever seeing except for Grandma Beene.  Thankfully with today’s modern medicine, children are able to know their Great Grandparents and Great Aunts and Uncles.

Looking back I also find it odd that I don’t remember any of Grandma or Grandpa’s Brothers and Sisters.  I am sure that my Aunts and Uncles remember them but I wonder how many of my cousins remember them.  It seems strange to me because the Beene family was always getting together especially at Christmas, so why weren’t they there at least some of the time?  Just my thought or maybe just my bad memory.

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