Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pictures from Mt. Calm

Pg193 (Small)

Uncle Dick, Uncle Jack, Uncle Al, Dad, Uncle Oscar and Uncle Forrest.  Taken at Mt. Calm.

Pg195 (Small)

Aunt Irene, Uncle Oscar, Uncle Dick, Aunt Novell, Uncle Jack, Aunt Francis, Uncle Al (holding Leona) Aunt Jimmie, Grandma Beene, Grandpa Beene (holding Margaret), Aunt Chubby, Mom, Dad, Uncle Buddy, Aunt Peggy and JoAnn.  Taken at Mt. Calm

Pg196 (Small)

I really don’t know who all these people are in this picture.  Based on other pictures, it looks like the house at Mt. Calm.  That looks like Grandma Beene sitting on the right and that could be Grandpa Beene standing behind her.  That looks like Uncle Dick with the hat on but these are only guesses.  Maybe someone can help me out with the real names.

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