Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dad the Mechanic

img796 Here is Dad working on the old DeSoto with me trying to climb up on the bumper to help him.

img795 This Margaret trying to give him some advice.  Years later, I remember Dad telling this story on himself.  He had gotten up on one of those bitterly cold days in the middle of winter with a ton of snow on the ground and the temperatures well below zero and the car wouldn't start.  He soon figured out that he wasn't getting any gas to the carburetor so it must be the fuel pump.  He changed clothes and pull the old fuel pump and bummed a ride into town and got a new one.  He hitchhike back and put the new one on and it still wouldn't start.  He had a five gallon can of gas in the truck so he used part of it to prime the carburetor and the rest he put in the gas tank.  This time the car started.  He changed clothes again and went to work.  On the way to work he stopped at a gas station and filled up the car.  It took 15 gallons.  It was then that he knew that the only thing wrong with the car in the first place was that he was out of gas.

img794  This is Margaret test driving the car after Dad was finished working on it.

img793 Margaret sitting in the apartment.  She looks like she is pouting about something.

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