Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Picnic in Alaska

img788 This was one of many picnics we had in Alaska.  This one was in 1950.  I don't have many memories of Alaska since I was three when we went up there and six when we came back to the lower 48.  I do remember and maybe it is because of all the pictures but it seems like we were always doing something.  I am sure that money was tight but it didn't cost much to get a bunch of families together and go on a picnic or maybe just go to a lake someplace and go fishing and let the kids play.

img787 Mom and a friend

img786 Margaret and a friend.  The wooden planks you see in the foreground and background were our sidewalks when the ground was muddy.

img785 We must have been out on one of our outings or maybe we were coming back to the states.  Anyhow I was always scouting ahead looking for the best trail.

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