Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Margaret and I

img066 This picture of Margaret and I must have been taken just after we arrived in Saudi Arabia.  It is the day before Christmas and we are wondering what are we doing here in this barren land with no friends.  The quarters we are assigned are almost as barren with very little furniture.  Margaret is doing her best to console me.

img084 This is our Christmas tree in Saudi Arabia.  We were told before coming over that Christmas trees were not allowed in Saudi Arabia and I guess they weren't but Holiday trees were allowed.  Even back then we had to be politically correct.  We arrived in Saudi Arabia a day or two before Christmas.  The children at school had decorated this tree for the school and when they found out we were coming, they moved it to our quarters before we got there.  It looks like it is the only thing in the house and that would be a close guess.  We were not allow to ship any household furniture because it was all supposed to be furnished.  I think there were beds and a few chairs and a table or two.  later everyone got brand new furniture and it was very nice and we were all happy.

img068 This is Margaret and I eating breakfast in Arabia.

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