Monday, July 14, 2008

Very very Special

I almost overlooked these but I was going back through the album and something made me take them out of the sleeves and Boy am I glad.

img752 img753 This is a post card that Dad sent to Mom before they were married.  The postmark is Fort Sill, Okla. and dated Jan 24, 1941.  It reads "Here's an Indian for you.  Ain't he a pretty thing.  This is the one that killed so many people here."

It is addressed to Miss Elaine Beene, 1515 So, 8th St, Waco, Texas

img754 img755 This one is postmarked Wichita Falls, Texas (I can't make out the date) 1942.  It reads: 

S/SGT. Herbert F. White

420th S.S.

Sheppard Field, Texas

Dear Elaine, Here's another card for your collection.  I'm marking where I stay.  How did you like the phone call?



It is addressed to Mom like the first one.

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