Friday, July 11, 2008

Party at the Johnson's


Cousin JoAnn, Grandma Beene, Aunt Novell, Aunt Peggy and Mom


Aunt Novell, Aunt Peggy, Grandma Beene, Mom and Margaret's first husband, Bill Hadlock.


Aunt Chubby, Aunt Peggy and Cousin JoAnn


Aunt Peggy and Aunt Chubby are talking in the background.  I have no idea who the young children are in the foreground.  For those that don't know, I spent 10 years in the Air Force from 1964 - 1974 and almost all of that time was overseas.  During that time, a lot of cousins were born and grew up and sadly I missed out on a lot of family get togethers and miss seeing them grow up.  I am ashamed to say that there are cousins that I would pass on the street and not know them.  The last couple of years I have made every attempt to go to family get togethers and Christmas parties but not too many cousins show up.  Maybe one of these days we can get to know each other.

img622 Aunt Novell, Aunt Irene, Grandma Beene, Aunt Peggy and Mom

img623 Aunt Novell, Aunt Peggy, Grandma Beene and Mom

img624 Dad changing the film in his camera.

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