Monday, July 14, 2008

Saudi Arabia 1956

While we were in Saudi Arabia we traveled a lot.  It seems like the base was always offering tours and we went on most of them.

img743 Bill & his donkey cart driver on a trip to island in Persian Gulf 1956.  We took trips by bus, train, Air plane and even donkey carts at times.

img744 I can't read the handwriting for the name of the city where this picture was taken so I am guessing.  The comment on back reads: "Children playing in the street at Suaty.  Here Bill was a sensation.  All the children wanted to touch him.  We have colored pictures of him playing with the children.  I have never seen these colored pictures and do not recall being that sensational.

img745 Looking thru the gate of the wall to the city.  The guards are armed and will shoot without hesitation.  The woman in center is veiled.  Women are called "Mem Sab".  When they beg or ask alms they say "Buch She"  "Shuck ran" is Thank you.

img746 Margaret and Evelyn Turner at an old  fort in Damon across the bay from the King's Palace.

img747 The comment reads: " Me (Mom) outside the fort at Damon.  Some of our fellow tourist inspecting the ruins. Across the bay is the palace where the Emir of the Province lives.  His name is Ben Juluie.  The King stays at the palace on his stays here.

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