Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mom and Dad

img717 Mom and Dad in Waco, TX

img720 Mom and Dad on top of the Smith Young Tower in San Antonio, TX.  It is no longer called the Smith Young tower but it still stands as the Tower Life Tower.  I am going to try and go up there and see if I can find the spot where this picture was taken.

img718 Dad in front of his barracks at Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX.  As of 2008 many of these buildings are still standing and in use at Ft. Sam.  My Nephew in Law, Darren Robeck and I worked on a job at Ft. Sam about 2005 and we were all over the post.  We saw the house where Eisenhower stay when he was assigned there as a Major.  The houses and buildings were all in good condition which just goes to show what good maintenance will do.

img719 Mom in front of Great Aunt Maggie's Sandwich Shop in Waco, TX

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